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Tatchell Calls Commonwealth
'Useless' over Mugabe Decision

By Rainbow Network

Activist Peter Tatchell London, England--The human rights campaigner Peter Tatchell has condemned the Commonwealth as "useless" over its decision not to impose sanctions against the Zimbabwean government, led by president Robert Mugabe.

Tatchell told RainbowNetwork:

"The Commonwealth is useless, despite all the horrendous human rights abuses it is still refusing to suspend Zimbabwe. All talk of sanctions is too late and there is no way that the forthcoming presidential elections can be free and fair."

He added:

"Lesbian and gay Zimbabweans and their straight friends are likely to face more repression. The future prospects don't look good."

The outspoken activist, who has attempted to bring Mugabe to justice on several occasions, added:

"In 1999 I arrested president Mugabe in London and handed him over to the police. If only they had followed my advice and prosecuted him for the crime of torture and other human rights abuses perhaps today Zimbabwe might not be in its current mess and many lives would have been saved."

In 2001 Tatchell was knocked unconscious by Mugabe's guards when he attempted a second arrest in Brussels. He is currently making a visa appeal against the Australian government, who have denied him entrance to the country to attend, along with Mugabe, a Commonwealth conference.

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Related Sites:
Rainbow Network
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In the past, Mugabe has stated his total opposition to homosexuality, likening gay men to animals and suggesting that a "gay mafia" controls Britain.

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