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Bob Kunst Asks Gov. Jeb Bush
Some Tough Questions

Compiled By GayToday

Veteran activist Bob Kunst, looking to win the Democratic nomination for the Florida governor's seat, is asking tough questions of the state's current top executive Miami Beach, Florida-Gubernatorial campaigner Bob Kunst asked incumbent Governor Jeb Bush why he'd admitted to reporter Julie Hauserman his disinclination to know, in any graphic sense, about the grisly, discomfiting events unfolding.

"After this disaster, you were interviewed by Julie Hauserman of the St. Petersburg Times , chided Kunst, "and you were quoted as saying: 'I don't want to know'; 'I don't think it's appropriate for me to know these things;' 'I want to read about it in the paper.' "

"I've been your biggest critic," Kunst admitted to the Florida governor, "and that's one reason I decided to run against you in the Democratic Primary." But Kunst has quickly changed course as a result of events on September 11.

Kunst now says:

"This terrorist crisis means that I have to address this priority first and give this government the benefit of the doubt but we must verify everything it does."

Kunst notes that "15 out of the 19 mass murderers were Florida based." He ridicules the incumbent governor's disinclination to know about relevant matters:

"And you 'don't want to know? I'm here to demand that you get on the ball or get out altogether and that I wish to help address these issues.

"What do you intend to do about this outrageous attack?

"What do you intend to do about any of it?

"Have you mobilized all government agencies in this state to deal with all the airports that are private and aren't guarded, where flights could take off and go after our several nuclear plants in this state?

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Related Sites:
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"Have you mobilized for anthrax, cholera, botulism etc. and other chemical and biological attacks including how the population might protect itself and then what we need if attacked?

"How will our water supplies be protected? What about all the arms and gun smuggling into and out of this state?

"Here in South, Florida we are losing $20millions daily. No tourists, and this could cripple us altogether unless you get on the ball and start dealing with this menace in our state. I will help you to organize it if you want.

"What are your plans Jeb? This isn't about 'not wanting to know' but doing what is necessary to protect this state and this nation.

"I'm willing to work with you to mobilize on all of this."

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