Marriage equality has had a positive impact on marriage overall

The White House illuminated in rainbow colours to celebrate the pass of same-sex marriage on June 26, 2015
Photo: Wikimedia Commons

new study has found that marriage equality not only has had no negative effects on heterosexual couples but has actually led to an increase in marriage overall, regardless of sexuality.

The report, by RAND and UCLA, analyzed marriage data going back 20 years – when states first began to legalize same-sex marriage – and looked at almost 100 other studies to determine that marriage equality has provided important benefits to LGBTQ+ couples without having any negative effects on different-sex marriages.

Study coauthor Benjamin R. Karney explained in a press release that many who were against marriage equality thought it “would undermine the institution of marriage, resulting in fewer couples marrying, more couples divorcing, and an overall retreat from family formation but that “overall, the fears of opponents of same-sex marriage simply have not come to pass.”

In fact, states that legalized same-sex marriage saw increases in…

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