EQCAs Kors: Dont support politicians who oppose gay marriage

The head of Equality California, Geoff Kors, is encouraging LGBT people to refuse to support any politician who opposes same-sex marriage.


“We have to support only candidates who are 100 percent for equality … and this includes support for marriage equality and for coverage for transition-related health care for transgender people,” he wrote at lgbtpov.com. “We must help to advance those candidates who support us all the way, and refuse to give to those candidates who do not.”

“Legislators must know that if they backpedal on or do not vote for our rights, it will impact them when election time rolls around again,” Kors said. “These legislators risk their endorsements and campaign donations when they cave in to pressure from our opponents. In some districts, these legislators are putting their re-election on the line.”

By Rex Wockner


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