Library pulls gay book after complaints that it will turn kids gay

Cover of “Prince & Knight”
Photo: Amazon

A library in West Virginia has been embroiled in conflict this week as some community members try to ban a gay children’s book while others defend it against censorship. The controversy led to the president of the library board storming out of a meeting as protestors wouldn’t allow them to get on with their business.

Earlier this week, the Upshur County Library removed the children’s book Knight & Prince from its shelves after conservative Christians complained about the book.

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Knight & Prince, by Daniel Haack, is about a king and queen who try to find their son a woman to marry, but he’s not interested in any of the women they have him meet, according to the Amazon description. A dragon attacks the town, and the prince and a male knight vanquish it and fall in love with each other. The king and queen are happy that their son found someone to love.

It sounds like a cute book for kids that involves a gay couple – a necessary antidote to the heterosexuality in almost every other children’s fairy tale.

But that’s not how Josh Layfield, the pastor of Calvary Chapel Mountain Highlands, sees it. After an elementary school student took the book home last week and a parent complained, Layfield wrote on Facebook that the book “is a deliberate attempt to indoctrinate young children, especially boys, into the LGBTQA lifestyle.”

Layfield wrote that the only reason his four sons turned out straight is that they never read children’s books with gay knights in them…

Read full story, and more, from Source: Library pulls gay book after complaints that it will turn kids gay


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