Aussie gay couple receive abusive letters from neighbor: ‘Castrate you all!’

A neighbor sent an Australian gay couple threatening letters, including wanting to ‘castrate’ them.

It comes about after the nation voted overwhelmingly in favor of same-sex marriage.

Kirk Muddle and his partner Andrew live in Maroochydore on the Sunshine Coast of Queensland.

62.8% of the locals in the area voted in favor of marriage equality, but that didn’t stop one No voter from posting a series of letters in the gay couple’s mailbox.

The anonymous A4 handwritten pages threatened: ‘Remember when you and he were illegal and sent to jail? I say castrate you all!’

Another page read: ‘How dare you disrupt the whole neighborhood. You do realize there are children and elderly in this area. No to gays!’

Then even more absurdly: ‘Knowing your affinity with back passages, [you] shouldn’t have dogs!’

Kirk also wrote on Facebook how ‘horrified and sad’ he is. He said: ‘This is just to remind everyone the fights not over… and it probably never will be.

‘We don’t want anything special. We don’t want anything “perverted,” we just want the same rights as others and to be treated as humans,’ he said.

He also told Yahoo 7 News: ‘I haven’t copped abuse like this in 30-odd years since being a teen.’

‘Andrew’s lived there for 11 years and I’ve lived there for five and thats the first time its ever happened,’ he said.

Australia says Yes to marriage equality

On 15 November, the Australian Electoral Commission revealed 61.6% of Aussies for marriage equality.

About 12.6 million people (80% of the population) voted in the voluntary postal survey.

Australian politicians still need to legislate for marriage equality in the parliament, but they’re still debating which bill to use as well as religious protections.

aussies australia marriage equality aussies same-sex marriageA couple celebrates today’s announcement

On the Sunday before the postal survey was announced Liberal Party Senator, the openly gay, Dean Smith introduced his own proposed bill on marriage equality.

Key features of Smith’s bill include allowing two people of any gender to marry in a civil service.

But they also include exemptions for religious organizations to refuse to hold same-sex weddings.

Civil marriage celebrants won’t be able to discriminate against same-sex couples. But a new category of religious marriage celebrants would be created who could refuse to marry LGBTI people.

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