Davide Durrell McGonigle: Song Stylist and Demisexual

Davide Durrell McGonigle
Photos: Davide Durrell McGonigle

A song stylist is a singer with a distinctive or original style. Fort Lauderdale’s own Davide [pronounced Dah-ví-day] Durrell McGonigle has expressed his love for the art for decades, doing commercials, theater, television, film and even some nude modeling. He also established himself as a hair stylist to the stars and was a co-owner of Another Look Salon in Coral Springs. In the words of JackLynn magazine, “his work with hair has always been a way to connect with people and make them feel better about themselves.”

“I am an entertainer,” Davide tells me, “a singer, dancer, actor, and comedian.” After humble beginnings in community theater, he landed the leading role (1985) in a Baltimore production of “Pippin,” where he caught the attention of then-president Ronald Reagan. He was a member of the National Association of Unknown Players (1986) and, as Davide Durrell, he was a contestant on “Star Search” and a bit player in “Homicide: Life on the Street” with Andre Broughner and “The Replacements” with Keanu Reeves. “I had my own show [in 1998 and 1999] at Holt Park that brought in their largest audience in the history of shows performed at the amphitheater at that time.” He recorded three albums and was featured in JackLynn, where he became (at 60) the oldest male nude centerfold model in the history of that online magazine. A Fort Lauderdale resident since 2003, Davide performs at Hunter’s night club and other local venues.

In his new DVD album collection, available free on YouTube, Davide Durrell sings about “My DemiSexuality.” Demisexuality is a sexual orientation where people only experience sexual attraction to folks that they have close emotional connections with. In other words, demisexual people only experience sexual attraction after an emotional bond has formed. They can be gay, straight, bisexual, or pansexual, and may have any gender identity. In “My DemiSexuality’ Davide Durrell tells “the story of my life. My existence. All that makes me tick: Love, Compassion, Desire, Decency, DemiSexuality and a passion to express myself through my own music.”

Sadly, amidst his triumphs, Davide has had to deal with “multiple disabling life changing illnesses.” A breast cancer survivor, he had two radical bilateral mastectomies which, he says, “affects your life in ways few can understand. How you deal with the illness on a physical way and in an emotional way. It affected me enormously on how to proceed with my sexual desires and reactions to be touched and treated.” In “My Life in Pain,” a Facebook post, McGonigle lists his life-long struggle with various illnesses. “After two failed heart surgeries, the surgeon informed me he can no longer help me. I have broken my leg 3 times in a year. I am beyond insanely weak now. I ask for prayers.” We sincerely wish him well. Meanwhile, Davide Durrell McGonigle continues to delight us with his personality and with his talent. May he be with us for a long time.

For samples of Davide’s songs and nude modeling visit http://davidemcgonigle.wixsite.com/davide-durrell.

Jesse’s Journal
By Jesse Monteagudo


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