Mike Pence is being played by a gay man in mock debates with Kamala Harris

Former presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg
Photo: Gage Skidmore – Wikimedia Commons

Democratic vice presidential candidate and Sen. Kamala Harris is set to debate Mike Pence in October, and she cast a gay man to play Pence in mock debates: former Mayor Pete Buttigieg.

Two sources told Bloomberg that Buttigieg is playing Pence “because of his familiarity with the Vice President, who was governor of Indiana when Buttigieg was mayor of South Bend.”

Related: Pete Buttigieg called Mike Pence ‘The cheerleader of the porn star presidency’.

Pence has a long history of anti-LGBTQ activism, going back to 1992 when he said that being gay is “learned behavior” and his 2000 House campaign where he advocated federal funds for conversion therapy to fight HIV; continuing to his time in the House and as Indiana’s governor, when he opposed LGBTQ equality every chance he got; and into his tenure as Vice President, where he has reportedly been at the center of…

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