Nutjob preacher Scott Lively blames gays for Trump election loss

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Noted far-right homophobe and preacher Scott Lively has taken to the airwaves to reveal what he considers the reason for Donald Trump‘s re-election loss. In a new radio message, Lively claims God punished Trump with election loss for being too kind to LGBTQ people.

Sure, Jan.

“Trump fully endorsed and backed and applauded [Richard] Grenell [who] was an outspoken advocate for the central doctrine of the progressive movement, which is queer theory,” Lively said on the January 24 episode of the internet radio show Swamp Rangers.

In his remarks, Lively referred to Richard Grenell, the openly gay man Trump appointed as ambassador to Germany. Grenell also served as acting Direction of National Intelligence, though he was never confirmed to the position. Throughout his tenure, Grenell defended Trump as a champion of LGBTQ causes, despite a number of policies and judicial appointments hostile to queer rights.

Related: Scott Lively Thinks Obama Supports LGBT Issues Because He “May Be” Gay

“He defied God on a fundamental tenet of the Bible and never repented of it,” Lively added. “If Donald Trump was, as I believe, God’s man in the White House for four years, why did God not preserve it? Because if God had given him favor, nothing that mankind could have done could have removed him from that office. And yet the one thing that he did during that time that would virtually guarantee God’s favor being removed was to put his own personal stamp of approval on behavior that God condemns in the harshest possible terms in the Bible, which is specifically male homosexuality.”

Contrary to Lively’s remarks, Donald Trump ranks as the most anti-LGBTQ president in American history…

Read full story, and more, from Source: Nutjob preacher Scott Lively blames gays for Trump election loss


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