Hate group praises out Sen. Kyrsten Sinema for helping to doom LGBTQ rights bill

Sen. Kyrsten Sinema
Photo: Gage Skidmore

Brian Brown, one of the most vicious anti-LGBTQ activists around and head of both the National Organization for Marriage and the International Organization for the Family, is praising Sens. Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ) and Joe Manchin (R-WV).

Both groups have been designated as anti-LGBTQ hate groups by domestic extremist monitors. Brown praises the two Democrats for their help killing LGBTQ rights legislation pending before the Senate and uses Sinema to fundraise for their hateful initiatives.

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Sinema, a white out bisexual woman, and Manchin, a white and straight and notoriously vain conservative, have held up President Joe Biden’s domestic agenda for months by refusing to kill the filibuster, a procedural maneuver historically used to prevent the passage of civil rights legislation.

It is a relic of Jim Crow and is currently being used to stop voting reform, raising the minimum wage, and landmark LGBTQ civil rights legislation like the Equality Act, which protect LGBTQ people from discrimination in federal law.

The measure requires 60 votes instead of the usual 50 to get a bill passed. With the Senate equally divided 50-50, it effectively means that any bill requires the support of at least 10 Republicans to pass. The GOP has been united in opposing any legislation supported by Democrats and refused to support Biden’s agenda.

Without the opportunity to filibuster, 50 Democrats could vote in favor of a bill and Vice President Kamala Harris, a Democrat, would break the tie.

When LGBTQ activists and donors pointedly issued an ultimatum demanding Sinema get on board or lose support from the community, the senator published an op-ed in the Washington Post defending her decision to scuttle bills that tackled issues she campaigned on…

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