Christian couple selling house refuses to allow gay couple inside home to look at property

A British couple who call themselves Christians listed their home for sale, but controversy has erupted after they refused to allow a gay couple to look at the property – let alone buy the house.

The two are not “ashamed of what we said in any way,” Luke Main insists, saying that he and his wife, medical physicist Dr. Joanna Brunker, will stand firm on the side of exclusion and bigotry.

Related: His grandparents found out he’s gay from a news article. So they sent him an email about it.

When Luke Whitehouse and his partner, Lachlan Mantell, messaged the couple about the three-bedroom house, they were shocked at the response. Not only did the couple state they wouldn’t sell to a gay couple, citing fire and brimstone Bible verses that describe gays and lesbians as “depraved,” they wouldn’t even allow them inside to look at it.

“We’re sorry if we seem intrusive, but we just want to make clear that…

Read full story, and more, from Source: Christian couple selling house refuses to allow gay couple inside home to look at property


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