Florida lawmaker tells homophobic parent exactly what we all want to say

State Senator Tina Scott Polsky (D-Florida)
Photo: Wikimedia Commons

A Florida state senator said what we’ve all been thinking. She spelled out an obvious option for homophobic parents: go somewhere else.

As Republicans nationwide target libraries and school boards with demands to remove books that contain LGBTQ topics, a new bill being debated in the Sunshine State would allow parents to challenge the books as unfit for all children based on the parents’ personal religious beliefs.

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The bill would require schools to establish a review process for instructional material that can be vetted by parents and require superintendents to certify to the state that all content conforms to state standards. The proposed law would allow parents to object to any material and includes multiple levels of potential appeal from the school principal up to the state Board of Education.

“You have a choice. If you don’t like what you see in the schools… then don’t go. Then homeschool your kid,” state Sen. Tina Polsky (D) said during a hearing in the Senate Education Committee. “If you want them insulated so much that they shouldn’t learn about the outside world, you can…

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