The Stupidity Of Making Porn Filters Mandatory On Mobile Devices (And Other Musings On Reality)

Lawmakers in the Alabama state legislature have voted for a bill that would require parental controls and NSFW content filters to be enabled on every phone and tablet sold in the state. House Bill (HB) 298, or the Protection of Minors from Unfiltered Devices Act, cleared the state House with an overwhelming 70-8 vote, with two dozen members abstaining from voting, last week. Now in the Senate, HB 298 is seeing success after the bill’s sole sponsor, state Rep. Chris Sells, failed in some previous legislative sessions to push this legislation to approval.

Due to a renewed focus by state lawmakers to crack down on the online adult entertainment industry, it isn’t a surprise that HB 298 is finally seeing some success.

If it were to become law, this bill would make Alabama one of the only other states in the union to have such a law on the books. Only Utah (surprise, surprise) has a law that requires porn filtering software to be enabled on all mobile devices sold. Passed in 2021, this law was the product of state Rep. Susan Pulsipher and the anti-porn lobbying group NCOSE (the National Center on Sexual Exploitation; formerly the right-wing religious group Morality in Media). Utah Gov. Spencer Cox gave the greenlight to Pulsipher’s House Bill 72 which has a caveat built into the legalese. Utah’s porn filtering law will remain dormant until five other states adopt similar laws. This would seem like a tall order, but, let’s be real.

The moral panic surrounding pornography has grown so toxic that…

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